Tuesday, April 8, 2008

First Mistake! (I'm tired)

Ok, I'm new to blogging so I accidentally posted this as a comment. So here it is as a new post:

I can't beleive I am so calm right now, when I know the tide is rising! Like most of my classmates, I am taking 3 courses this quarter. I am already feeling overwhelmed with the readings, assignments, and discussion obligations, and with keeping track of when they are all due. I don't know about anyone else, but I am so afraid I will miss something. The fact that I am taking my first online course this term (reluctantly) adds to my stress and uncertainty.I also work during the day and will probably start my part-time job at the library sometime this month. Oh yeah...and I would like to see my loved ones at some point! I hope I'm not the only one who feels somewhat overwhelmed. Right now though, I feel strangely okay...


Christy said...

YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE!! I am taking two classes this quarter and I work full time. I am continually stressed and most of it is my own doing. I procrastinate - although I have to say that my recent procrastination is not exactly my fault - I have had some big family issues to deal with so school sort of took a back seat. I just bought a PDA - I mean just bought about an hour ago and I am hoping that little sucker will keep me more organized. I need more than just papers all over the place and a vague sense that something is due. I'm hoping the PDA will stave off that perpetual sense of impending doom. I'll let you know how it goes. Not to mention a sense of guilt as I have been busily blogging while I should have been busily working. YIKES!

mahsitti said...

I think many of us are in the same position, so you are not alone. I am taking three classes right now and working part-time. I know of some other students who are taking four(!) classes and working as well (p/t & f/t).
I have found that planning out exactly what needs to be done in my planner and assigning time for each task helps to take the pressure off and ease any anxiety. Otherwise, you can go crazy wondering just when you will get things done.