This is my 3rd quarter at Drexel. I am studying Library and Information Science with no particular concentration. As of right now I hope to work in either a special collections or a public library.
During the day I work for an inventory service which means I go to a different store (either grocery or retail) every morning and count their inventory. I have been doing this for 5 years. It is a weird job, but I like it because it is flexible & I have become good at it.
I also just got hired at a public library as a part-time library aide. This is a grant-funded position through New Castle County so there is a long hiring process. I am expected to start the week of the 21st. Hopefully this will give me some relevant library experience.
Here are some websites I frequently visit:
- Internet Public Library: I had to use this for INFO 511, but I now am hooked on the free internet resources they recommend (I know they are reliable if they are recommended)
- Snopes a site that debunks rumors and urban legends. It is just interesting.
- Google okay, I know this is an obvious one, but really, this is my portal to anything else (only in my personal life, I promise). If I want to find a recipe, I search for it on Google. If I want find the website for a concert venue, store, organization, etc, I start at Google.
Snopes looks great, a good source for any urban folklore reference questions!
I can't beleive I am so calm right now, when I know the tide is rising! Like most of my classmates, I am taking 3 courses this quarter. I am already feeling overwhelmed with the readings, assignments, and discussion obligations, and with keeping track of when they are all due. I don't know about anyone else, but I am so afraid I will miss something. The fact that I am taking my first online course this term (reluctantly) adds to my stress and uncertainty.
I also work during the day and will probably start my part-time job at the library sometime this month. Oh yeah...and I would like to see my loved ones at some point! I hope I'm not the only one who feels somewhat overwhelmed.
Right now though, I feel strangely okay...
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